Source code for neighbormodels.interactions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Dict, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series

from neighbormodels.neighbors import NeighborData

MagneticPatterns = Dict[str, Union[int, float]]

[docs]def build_model( neighbor_data: NeighborData, magnetic_patterns: MagneticPatterns, ) -> DataFrame: """Builds and returns a data frame describing a pairwise interaction model. The intended use-case for the model is fitting magnetic energies taken from density functional theory calculations and extracting exchange parameters. :param neighbor_data: A named tuple with three field names: ``data_frame`` A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor counts aggregated over site-index pairs and separation distances. ``bins_data_frame`` A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor distances mapped to unique bin intervals. ``structure`` A copy of the ``Structure`` object defining the crystal structure. :param magnetic_patterns: A dictionary of magnetic patterns to be mapped onto the crystal structure and used to compute the interaction coefficients of the model. :return: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of the interaction parameter names and coefficients for the pairwise interaction model. """ magnetic_patterns_df: DataFrame = build_magnetic_patterns_data_frame( magnetic_patterns=magnetic_patterns ) return magnetic_patterns_df \ .pipe(compute_interaction_signs) \ .pipe(compute_model_coefficients, neighbor_data=neighbor_data) \ .pipe(spread_parameter_name_column)
[docs]def compute_interaction_signs(magnetic_patterns_df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """Computes the signs of the pairwise interactions for the magnetic model. :param magnetic_patterns_df: A pandas ``DataFrame`` labeling and specifying magnetic patterns. :return: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of the signs of the pairwise interactions. """ return magnetic_patterns_df \ .merge(right=magnetic_patterns_df, how="inner", on="pattern", suffixes=("_i", "_j")) \ .rename(columns={"site_i": "i", "site_j": "j"}) \ .loc[:, ["pattern", "i", "j", "spin_i", "spin_j"]] \ .assign(sign=lambda x: x["spin_i"] * x["spin_j"]) \ .query("i <= j")
[docs]def compute_model_coefficients( interaction_signs_df: DataFrame, neighbor_data: NeighborData, ) -> DataFrame: """Computes the model coefficients by aggregating over the dot product of the neighbor counts and interaction signs. :param interaction_signs_df: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of the signs of the pairwise interactions. :param neighbor_data: A named tuple with three field names: ``data_frame`` A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor counts aggregated over site-index pairs and separation distances. ``bins_data_frame`` A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor distances mapped to unique bin intervals. ``structure`` A copy of the ``Structure`` object defining the crystal structure. :return: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of the model coefficients. """ return neighbor_data.data_frame \ .pipe(multiply_interaction_signs_and_neighbor_count, interaction_signs_df=interaction_signs_df) \ .pipe(group_subspecie_pairs_and_rank_by_distance) \ .pipe(label_interaction_parameters) \ .pipe(aggregate_interaction_coefficients, num_sites=neighbor_data.structure.num_sites)
[docs]def multiply_interaction_signs_and_neighbor_count( data_frame: DataFrame, interaction_signs_df: DataFrame, ) -> DataFrame: """Adds coefficient column to data frame. Compatible with the pandas ``pipe()`` method. :param data_frame: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor counts aggregated over site-index pairs and separation distances. :param interaction_signs_df: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of the signs of the pairwise interactions. :return: A copy of input ``data_frame`` with the coefficient column added. """ return data_frame \ .merge(interaction_signs_df, on=["i", "j"]) \ .sort_values("pattern") \ .assign(coefficient=lambda x: x["sign"] * x["n"])
[docs]def group_subspecie_pairs_and_rank_by_distance(data_frame: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """Adds rank column to data frame that sorts subspecie pairs by neighbor distance. Compatible with the pandas ``pipe()`` method. :param data_frame: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor counts aggregated over site-index pairs and separation distances. :return: A copy of input ``data_frame`` with the rank column added. """ df: DataFrame = data_frame.copy() df["rank"] = df \ .groupby(["subspecies_i", "subspecies_j"]) \ .apply(lambda x: x[["distance_bin"]].rank(method="dense")) \ .apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(arg=x, downcast="integer")) return df
[docs]def label_interaction_parameters(data_frame: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """Adds parameter_names column to data frame that labels the unique parameters of the interaction model. Compatible with the pandas ``pipe()`` method. :param data_frame: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of neighbor counts aggregated over site-index pairs and separation distances ranked by subspecies pairs. :return: A copy of input ``data_frame`` with the parameter_name column added. """ df = data_frame.copy() parameter_names: Series = "J" + df["rank"].astype(str) single_specie_check: Series = df["subspecies_i"] == df["subspecies_j"] single_specie: bool = single_specie_check.all() if not single_specie: parameter_names += "_" + df["subspecies_i"] + df["subspecies_j"] df["parameter_name"] = parameter_names return df
[docs]def aggregate_interaction_coefficients( data_frame: DataFrame, num_sites: int, ) -> DataFrame: """Aggregates interaction coefficients by summing them within groups defined by the magnetic patterns and interaction parametres. Compatible with the pandas ``pipe()`` method. :param data_frame: A pandas ``DataFrame`` of interaction coefficients and parameters grouped by magnetic patterns, subspecies pairs, and neighbor distances. :param num_sites: The total number of magnetic sites in the unit cell. :return: A data frame where the interaction coefficients were summed within groups defined by the magnetic patterns and interaction parameters. """ return data_frame \ .groupby(["pattern", "parameter_name"]) \ .apply(lambda x: np.sum(x[["coefficient"]]) / num_sites) \ .reset_index() \ .sort_values(by=["pattern", "parameter_name"]) \ .loc[:, ["pattern", "parameter_name", "coefficient"]]
[docs]def build_magnetic_patterns_data_frame( magnetic_patterns: MagneticPatterns, ) -> DataFrame: """Converts dictionary of magnetic patterns into the pandas ``DataFrame`` format. :param magnetic_patterns: A dictionary of magnetic patterns to be mapped onto the crystal structure and used to compute the interaction coefficients of the model. :return: A pandas ``DataFrame`` labeling and specifying magnetic patterns. """ return DataFrame(data=magnetic_patterns) \ .reset_index(level=0) \ .rename(columns={"index": "site"}) \ .melt(id_vars=["site"], value_vars=list(magnetic_patterns.keys()), var_name="pattern", value_name="spin") \ .loc[:, ["pattern", "site", "spin"]]
[docs]def spread_parameter_name_column(data_frame: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """Spreads interaction parameter names into their own columns with the interaction coefficient as rows. Compatible with the pandas ``pipe()`` method. :param data_frame: A data frame where the interaction coefficients were summed within groups defined by the magnetic patterns and interaction parameters. :return: A data frame with the parameter names pivoted into their own columns. """ df: DataFrame = data_frame \ .pivot(index="pattern", columns="parameter_name", values="coefficient") \ .reset_index() = "" return df